A Mumsnetter's guide to Bloom & Wild
Does Bloom & Wild offer same day delivery flowers? I find myself forgetting birthdays until the very last minute...
If you’re based in London there’s a 2-hour delivery service available between Monday and Friday. For anyone else, other options include free next day delivery when ordering letterbox flowers before 5.30 pm, or premium DPD next day delivery for £5-£6 for when ordering flowers for extra special occasions.
I want to send a friend a bouquet for when they arrive home from work. Does Bloom & Wild offer a letterbox flower delivery service?
There are pages of letterbox flowers and plants available through Bloom & Wild, meaning you can send a special someone a cute boxed gift that will fit straight through their door. Order before 5.30pm for free next day delivery. You can even order subscriptions of 3 or 6 months of flowers so your friend receives a different bouquet through the letterbox each month!
I’d love to be able to learn about flower arranging. Does Bloom & Wild offer any courses?
Bloom & Wild runs various floristry workshops around the UK throughout the year, check the workshop page for more details.
I’ve run out of time to order any gifts for my sister's birthday. Is there anything extra I can include with her flowers from Bloom & Wild?
There’s a handful of cute extras you can pop in with your order from Bloom & Wild, including luxury chocolates and scented candles. These small gifts will be sent to your loved one alongside their floral treats.
Can I read reviews about the service from Bloom & Wild?
There are plenty of reviews from other customers available to read so you can get an idea of what to expect from Bloom & Wild!
Let's talk about Bloom & Wild
Taking the English country garden as its inspiration, Bloom & Wild is an expert in creating beautiful-looking bouquets to brighten up a room or decorate a table. It offers letterbox flowers meaning you can send flowers wherever you please without worrying they’ll miss that special person. Treat a friend using a Bloom & Wild discount code and pick a bouquet for less, so when they arrive home they’ll be delighted with the floral gift on their doorstep. The flowers are packed with care and expertise so they arrive as fresh as possible and stay pretty for at least a week.
Save your pocket money with Bloom & Wild
To make your flowers from Bloom & Wild last as long as possible, it's a good idea to read the flower care guides. Once you’ve brushed up on your green fingers knowledge, choose a Bloom & Wild voucher and make some savings on gorgeous floral displays, then put your care into practice!
Get connected with Bloom & Wild
- Call Bloom & Wild: 020 73529499
- Email Bloom & Wild: hello@bloomandwild.com