A Mumsnetter's guide to Hotels.com
Can I book packages on Hotels.com or is it just accommodation?
Hotels.com specialises in bringing you a variety of accommodation from across the planet. However, by clicking its ‘Packages’ header you’ll be able to access flights and accommodation booking if you fancy sorting everything in one go.
How can I be sure the accommodation I book on Hotels.com will be family friendly?
When you make your search, you’ll be able to select how many adults and children are in your party. Then you know that the accommodation you book will be suitable for both you and the kids.
Does Hotels.com have an app?
It certainly does! Now you can sort the next family holiday or romantic getaway you’ve been craving from wherever you are. Whether you’re on your commute, your lunch break or trying to be productive on the sofa, this app will make booking your holiday a breeze!
I’m looking to save money, does Hotels.com have a deals page?
Hotels.com’s deals page is a great place to go if you want to make a saving on your next trip. Simply type in where you’d like to go and when and Hotels.com will bring up a list of discounted packages. Those of you keeping a tight grip on the purse strings will certainly be glad of this feature!
Does Hotels.com have a reward scheme?
Yes, Hotels.comRewards is a great way of unlocking secret prices on many of the website’s most popular destinations. You’ll also get a free night for every ten nights you book, so if you’re always off somewhere for work or for fun, this is a handy tip for making sure your booking pays!
Let’s talk about Hotels.com
Wherever you’re going in the world, Hotels.com can make sure you and the kids get a great night’s sleep when you get there. From easygoing boutique hotels for something simple to lucious penthouse suites when only the best will do, Hotels.com is your hotline to a room you’ll love. Purchase with a Hotels.com discount code and you’ll be sure to make a saving on your next stay that can go towards a nice dinner for you all when you arrive.
Save your pocket money with Hotels.com
Sign up to Hotels.com’s newsletter so you’ll get exclusive deals delivered straight to your inbox as well as access to those all-important Secret Prices. Be sure to add a Hotels.com voucher code from us onto your next room booking to make a double saving!
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